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2019/12/29 17:15:43发布164次查看

  4、接口:平板电脑的接口一般是micro usb、lightning、type-c接口,可以投屏平板电脑的内容到奥斯曼便携显示器;奥斯曼便携显示器的接口一般为mini hdmi、type-c为主,micro usb和dc接口为主,可以外接的设备有台式主机、笔记本电脑、迷你主机、电视盒子、智能、ps4游戏机、xbox游戏机、switch游戏机等设备,更多设备您可以自己尝试....
  深圳市诚易盛电子有限公司(官网:)成立于2012年,专注于显示行业7年,是一家集研发、生产及销售为一体的高新技术企业,旗下自有“奥斯曼 aosiman”品牌商标。公司主营便携式显示器、液晶显示屏,产品广泛应用于游戏显示器、外接显示屏、ps4便携式显示器、电脑拓展屏等多个领域。线上可通过淘宝、阿里巴巴、京东承接各类国内外oem、odm类的定制订单,线下可直接约见面谈。
osman portable monitors and tablet pcs what is the difference, what are the advantages compared to many people may have such confusion, the tablet pc has become very powerful, why would a portable display in fact, compared with the tablet pc, portable display still has obvious advantages. 1, price: tablet, generally in more than 1k; osman price within the portable monitors are 1k; 2, function: the tablet's own system; osman portable laptop display screen may be the same content, the content pitcher screen; 3, size : tablet size is generally 11 inches or less; the size of the display is a portable osman alternatively 7-15.6 inches; 4, interface: tablet pc interface generally micro usb, lightning, type-c interface screen content can be administered tablet to the ottoman portable display; osman portable display interface is generally mini hdmi, type-c main, micro usb and dc-based interfaces, you can add a host of devices are desktop, laptop, mini-host, tv boxes, smart, ps4 game machine, xbox game consoles, switch game consoles and other equipment, more equipment you can try yourself .... 5, weight: tablet weight of about 880 g; weight ottoman portable displays due to the different size, weight 400-990 grams left; summary: tablet belongs to a portable computer, a portable monitor is not a general samples, the two are not comparable. portable big screen display can bring better visual experience, the ottoman portable displays thinner than the tablet, more convenient to carry. currently ottoman portable monitor new product supports type-c line directly connected, for business people who travel frequently, it is a very useful product. shenzhen yi-sheng electronics co., ltd. (official website: ) was founded in 2012, focused on the display industry for seven years, is a research and development, production and sales of high-tech enterprises, since its there are osman aosiman brand trademark. main portable displays, liquid crystal displays, are widely used in the game display, an external display, a number of areas ps4 portable displays, computer screens and other expansion. online can undertake all types of oem and abroad through taobao, alibaba, jingdong, under the odm class custom orders, direct line interview appointment.



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