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2020/10/22 4:21:12发布129次查看
vega    connect.cxx4    通讯适配器
0.30 (7.5)
view x
0.23 (5.9)0.39 (10)
1/4" nptf
fixed length subbase - bottom ported
model port size a weight
lb (kg)
v70529-rao 1/4nptf 0.26
v70529-bao g1/4 (0.12)
intermediate supply / exhaust module
model description weight
lb (kg)
v70530-kao single shut-off plate 0.28
supplied with gasket (0.13)
model description weight
lb (kg)
v70500-kao blanking plate for 0.11
blocking of unused stations (0.05)
(supplied with gasket)
provides additional porting on modular or fixed length
occupies one valve station.
supplied with gasket for both sub-bases.
blanking plate
0.39 (10) 0.24 (6) 0.75 (19)
1.02 (26)
2.76 (70)
0.75 (19)
1.02 (26)
1.73 (44)
0.51 (13)
0.63 (16)
1.02 (26) 0.24 (6)
3.03 (77)
0.43 (11) a
2.48 (63)
1.30 (33)
single valve shut-off plate
1.30 (33)
0.85 (21.5) 0.26 (6.5)
0.31 (8)
0.53 (13.4)
0.75 (19)
1.06 (26.8)
3.83 (97)
can be used to:
- improve supply flow
- increase exhaust capacity
- pneumatically separate valves for fail
save emergency
- multipressure system and system solutions
allows inpidual exchange of valve, while valve
manifold is pressurized by port 1.
note: flow restricted to max. cv of 0.5
4 2
model no. of a b weightvmartens     ng1000-4-5    自动控制器
ports 12+14 0.02 lb (0.01 kg)
code ports 2+4 ports 12+14
p 1/8nptf 10-32 unf
r 1/4nptf 10-32 unf
2 3/8 pif 10-32 unf
b g1/4 m5
8 ? 8 mm pif m5
y ? 10 mm pif m5
inpidual components
note: port 14 used for external pilot air supply or for collected pilot air exhaust. never plug port 14
when using valves with internal pilot air supply. port 12 is not used, plugging not necessary.
single station subbase -
side ported with pilot ports
side ported subbase
side ported subbase
v44/v45 mini iso star valves
2x3/2, 5/2 and 5/3, solenoid and pilot actuated iso 15407-1 / vdma 24 563 size 26 mm
dimensions in inches (mm)
04_mini iso 128-145 4th_06_mini iso* 1/31/11 2:27 pm page 90
norgren.com/usa – 303.794.2611 – help@amer.norgren.com
4 2
4 2
0.97 (24.6)
0.94 (24) 1.06 (27)
0.22 (5.5)
0.67 (17)
1.26 (32)
0.45 (11.5) 0.45 (11.5) 1.48 (37.5)
1.00 (25.4)
2.50 (63.5)
0.98 (24.8)
aega    connect.cxx4    通讯适配器
5/3 solenoid pilot actuated valves
4 2 14 12
5 3 1 84 82
4 2 14 12
5 3 1 84 82
4 2 14 12
5 3 1 84 82
4 2 14 12
14 5 3 1
84 82
4 2 14 12
14 5 3 1
84 82
4 2 14 12
14 5 3 1
84 82
table 1
**voltage codes and spare pilot valves
voltage code power inrush / hold pilot valve part.-no.
12 v d.c. 12 1.2 w vzc7l2c1-c312a
24 v d.c. 13 1.2 w vzc7l2c1-c313a
24 v 50/60 hz. 14 2.1 / 1.5 va vzc7l2c1-c314a
48 v 50/60 hz 16 2.1 / 1.5 va vzc7l2c1-c316a
110 v d.c. 17 1 w vzc7l2c1-c317a
115 v 50/60 hz 18 2.1 / 1.5 va vzc7l2c1-c318a
230 v 50/60 hz 19 2.1 / 1.5 va vzc7l2c1-c319a
115 v 50/60 hz 18 2.1 / 1.5 va vzc7l2c1-c213a
230 v 50/60 hz 19 2.1 / 1.5 va vzc7l2c1-c218a
other voltages available on request.
spare pilot valves are delivered with mounting screws.
table 2
?connector codes and part number
code part number
a = solenoid without connector
b = cable grip v10027-d00
c = 10 ft. molded cable, 0-240 vac/vdc v10013-d03
h = cable grip w/indicator light, 24 vac/vdc v10012-d13
j = cable grip w/indicator light, 120 vac/vdc v10012-d18
5 = 10 ft. molded cable with indicator light, surge suppression, 24 vac/vdc v10014-d03
6 = 10 ft. molded cable with indicator light, 110v/50 hz-120v.60hz v10015-d03
model spool operator return flow operating pres. pilot pres. weight repair kit
techn. 14 12 cv (psig) (psig) (lb.)
v44a537a-x0090 gl air spring 0.9 26" hg - 232 23 - 232 0.40 v70540-kao
v45a537a-x0090 ss air spring 1.2 26" hg - 145 29 - 145 0.40 v70541-kao
v44a533a-x0020 gl air air 0.9 26" hg - 232 29 - 232 0.44 v70540-kao
v45a533a-x0020 ss air air 1.2 26" hg - 145 29 - 145 0.44 v70542-kao
model function actuation flow operating pres. pilot pres. weight spares kit
2x3/2 3/2 function cv (psig) (psig) (lb.)
v45aa33a-x0020 nc air/spring 1.1 0 - 145 1.5 + (0.5xop. pressure) 0.20 v70546-kao
v45ab33a-x0020 no air/spring 1.0 0 - 145 1.5 + (0.5xop. pressure) 0.20 v70547-kao
v45ac33a-x0020 no/nc air/spring 1.0/1.1 0 - 145 1.5 + (0.5xop. pressure) 0.20 v70548-kao
2x3/2 air pilot actuated valves (softseal spool)
5/2 air pilot actuated valves
5 1 3
4 2
10 10
14 12
5 1 3
4 2
14 12
10 10
5 1 3
4 2
10 12
14 10
4 2 14 12
5 3 1
4 2 14 12
5 3 1
04_mini iso 128-145 4th_06_mini iso* 1/31/11 2:26 pm page 87
modular sub-base modular sub-base* modular sub-base modular sub-base*
side ported without pilot portsside ported with pilot ports side ported (pif) without pilot ports side ported (pif) with pilot ports
v70525-paf (1/8 nptf) v70526-paf (1/8 nptf) v70525-2af (3/8 pif) v70526-2af (3/8 pif)
v70525-raf (1/4 nptf) v70526-raf (1/4 nptf) v70525-8af (?8 mm) v70526-8af (?8 mm)
v70525-baf (g1/4) v70526-baf (g1/4) v70525-yaf (?10 mm) v70526-yaf (?10 mm)
v44/v45 mini iso star valves
2x3/2, 5/2 and 5/3, solenoid and pilot actuated iso 15407-1 / vdma 24 563 size 26 mm
norgren.com/usa – 303.794.2611 – help@amer.norgren.com
intermediate supply/exhaust module single valve shut-off plate single pressure regulator plate double pressure regulator plate flow control plate
v70529-rao (1/4 nptf) v70530-kao (port 1 blocked) v70527-ka1 (port 1 reg.) v70527-ka4 (ports 2+4 reg.) v70528-kao (ports 3+5)
v70529-bao (g1/4) v70527-ka2 (port 2 reg.)
v70527-ka3 (port 4 reg.)
din en 50 022 rail (3.28 feet) din-rail mounting kit blanking plate for unused station blanking disk to modular sub-base manual override set-up kit
v10009-c00 (35x7.5mm) v70531-ka0 v70500-kao v70522-k00 (ports 1,3,5) v70532-k00
v10592-c01 (35x15mm) v70523-k00 (ports 12+14)
end plate kit single station sub-base fixed length sub-base
end ported side ported with pilot ports bottom ported
v70524-sac (3/8 nptf) v70501-rab (1/4 nptf) v705**-ra0
v70524-cac (g3/8) v70501-bab (g1/4) **=02, 04, 06, 08, 10, 12 stations
sandwich plate with additional
pressure port 1 transition plate #18 ?#26 mm transition plate #18 ? #26 mm (with supply and exhaust ports)
v70535-ra0 1/4 nptf v70436-k00 v70436-r00 1/4 nptf
v70535-ba0 g1/4 v70436-b00 g1/4
*use with air pilot valves.
model spool valve function operator return flow operating pres. pilot pres. weight spares kit
14 12 cv (psig) (psig) (lb.)
v44a633a-x0020 gl apb air air 0.9 26" hg - 232 29 - 232 0.48 v70540-kao
v45a633a-x0020 ss apb air air 1.15 26" hg - 145 36 - 145 0.46 v70543-kao
v44a733a-x0020 gl coe air air 0.9 26" hg - 232 29 - 232 0.48 v70540-kao
v45a733a-x0020 ss coe air air 1.15 26" hg - 145 36 - 145 0.46 v70544-kao
v44a833a-x0020 gl cop air air 0.9 26" hg - 232 29 - 232 0.48 v70540-kao
v45a833a-x0020 ss cop air air 1.15 26" hg - 145 36 - 145 0.46 v70545-kao
5/3 air pilot actuated valves
4 2 14 12
5 3 1
4 2
14 12
5 3 1
4 2
14 12
5 3 1
04_mini iso 128-145 4th_06_mini iso* 1/31/11 2:26 pm page 88
v44/v45 mini iso star valves
2x3/2, 5/2 and 5/3, solenoid and pilot actuated iso 15407-1 / vdma 24 563 size 26 mm
norgren.com/usa – 303.794.2611 – help@amer.norgren.com
5/2 single solenoid pilot valve
air spring return 3.24 (82)
1.38 (35) 0.25 (6.4)
1.54 (39)
manual override
0.75 (19)
1.05 (26.7)
5.11 (130)
v44a5*7d-c3*** and v45a5*7d-c3***
5/2 single solenoid pilot valve
mechanical spring return
v44a5**d-c3*** and
5/2 double solenoid pilot valve 3.24 (82) 1.38 (35) 0.25 (6.4)
manual override
0.75 (19)
1.05 (26.7)
5.11 (130)
4.27 (108)
v44a***d-c3*** and
2x3/2 + 5/3 double solenoid pilot valve
v44a537a-x00*0 and
5/2 single air pilot valves 1.54 (39) 1.38 (35) 0.25 (6.4)
0.75 (19)
1.05 (26.7)
1.47 (37.4)
4.03 (102)
v44a*33a-x00*0 and
2x3/2 + 5/2 + 5/3 double air pilot valve
5.11 (130)
1.54 (39)
1.38 (35) 0.25 (6.4)
0.75 (19)
1.05 (26.7)
3.24 (82)
1.38 (35) 0.25 (6.4)
manual override
0.75 (19)
1.05 (26.7)
5.11 (130)
4.27 (108)
conversion from internal to external pilot supply / collected pilot exhaust
the lowered and captive gasket between valve body and pilot valve defines and indicates pilot air supply as well as pilot exhaust function of the
internal pilot supply, pilot exhaust air collected and exhausted
via port 14.
all solenoid pilot valves with code 1 at position 6 in the part number (e.g
v45a51...) have the gasket mounted in this position on delivery.
external pilot supply from port 14 only, pilot exhaust air not
collected but bleed through valve body.
all solenoid pilot valves with code 2 at position 6 in the part number
(e.g v45a52...) have the gasket mounted in this position on delivery.
blue gasket blue gasket
note: dismounting pilot valve gives access to gasket. conversion from internal to external pilot supply (or vice versa) by turning the gasket.
caution: in this case part number and symbol on labe


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